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Advertisement #1 

I spent a decent amount of time on this Logitech ad. I really liked the photo of the headphones from a previous assignment so I decided not to photograph the headphones again and chose to use it instead. For the Logitech logo and text I used an image I found online as a guide in order to mimic the design. If I were to change anything about the image, I would maybe adjust the text in the center slightly as the "S" seems to bleed into the logo on the headphones a bit.

Advertisement #2 

I probably took around 15 different images of Coke bottles and glasses until I settled on the glass you see above. The effect on the glass as well as the red hue was created using a Photoshop action that made the painted brush effect you see. I found a Coca-Cola font online, which is what was used to create the logo in the bottom right. The last effect that was applied was a gaussian blur on the red sphere of the Coke logo in order to remove the jagged edges. 

Movie Poster





This movie poster recreation took all day, and I mean practically ALL day. Partly because I drove around for about 2 hours looking for a house similar to the one in the original image. Eventually I settled with the one you see above. There were a few other house that I would have considered perfect but the problem was they all had tree's or other objects in front of them which would have been a nightmare to remove in Photoshop. I tried the best I could to imitate the scratches and veins in the eyes using textures and brushes in Photoshop. Another difficult task was taking a photo of my own eye and being able to focus the camera at the same time. Overall I felt like I did a fairly good job.  

Composite Image

I had a lot of fun with the composite image. I used a total of 10 images to create this composite. I was inspired by the thought of the images you see in the "I Spy" books, as well as knowing I wanted to try to give the impression of floating objects. What I did to achieve this was hang the objects from a door frame using tape, then later using the pen tool cut them out in Photoshop. One of the difficulties in creating the image was getting the correct aspect ratios with the money, wallet, and key fob. What I ultimately did in the end was take another photo holding the wallet and a 5 dollar bill in the same place I wanted to place them so i could be sure the ratio was correct in comparison to the other objects in the image.

Concert Poster

The concert poster was probably my least favorite out of all my composites. I just feel I could have spent more time on creating a better image for the center with the guitar. I had it burned in my brain that I needed to use an instrument in order to complete the poster, but in the end realized I could have put anything there Christmas related and it would have worked. I decided to have a little fun with the text, which was inspired by my sister-in-law's humor when discussing with her my ideas for a concert poster. I hope some of you guys get as much of a laugh out of it as we did. 

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